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Postby Kelly7873 » Sat Aug 28, 2004 9:42 pm

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Postby Adder » Sun Aug 29, 2004 5:21 am

make sure you get every little bit of foreign debris out of the hole before you close it up with butterflies/sutures/steristrips or you'll end up with a fat juicy abcess on the chin!


Postby jah... » Sun Aug 29, 2004 6:29 am

wow kelly, i think that's the first report i've heard that vitamin E doesn't work... I used it on a past scar and it looks great. i als grew a goatee to avoid sunlight for like 8 months and i'm sure that had a huge impact too....

Adder, I think it's clean. Fortunately, it seemed like the water was clean that day, very unusual for southern california. I rinsed it at the showers and then went home and did the soap and water for an extended period of time. It didn't hurt too bad washing it so i think I got it pretty clean.

it's been fine so far, unfortunately bumped it while I was sleeping this morning and OWWEEEee. First time it's hurt.


Postby nomothc » Sun Aug 29, 2004 7:17 am

dis is solo, and i'm relaying the bummingest trip that could have ever happened to me, next to having a creer in the military.

notice i wrote "no' mo' thc". dats right, big bruddah is on da move again.

this past week, we federales at a certain medical facility were given fair warning: YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING, WITHIN 2 WEEKS, OF YOUR RIGHTS AND yadda yadda yadda... bottom line? they gave us enough warning for the cocaine, amphetamine, ice addicts to clean out. marijuana stays in the system a lot longer than two weeks, especially with the high grade shit nowadays.

so, my career is in jeopardy, after 25 years of faithful federal service. and within those 25 years, i would dare say my record was more than impeccable... ruined by personal, off duty "releases"...

what confuses me is why we woulde need urinalysis in the first place? if a man is having problems performing his duties as required, by all means, investigate the sumbitch. however, if a person shows NO indication of problems, why check him out? to me, urinalysis in the work place is like discouraging citizens to exploit their inalienable right to "life, liberty, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS".

are we, as a society, assuming that everyone is guilty until proven innocent? it seems that way, the burden of proof now being placed on the employee. I'M TELLIN' YOU, i am not and have never been a criminal. our government's tact makesd me feel otherwise...

in canada, urinalysis is illegal, an infringement on personal privacy. how come it ain't like that in the "land of the free"??? because this IS NOT the land of the free anymore.

i fly my american flag UPSIDE DOWN, as a sign of distress. for those of you who don't know, that is a legtimate international distress signal. america is very much so in distress:
1) we fight wars based on false premises: WMD? where is it?
2) we deliberately lie to our own citizens..."i did not have sex with that girl"
3) we go to war without the blessings of aour allies.
4)every other country in the world hates us now...
5) still oppressing the american native indian
6) still opressing the native hawaiians, the nation of hawaii still hasn't been returned as it was ILLEGALLY OBTAINED.

opression is alive and well iin the 21st century. the nazi's are now waving american flags and yellow ribbons... and dey don't even know dey nazi's

okay uncle sugar, you've suceeded once again in alienating your very own loyalists, and creating criminals where there weren't any.

you win, it's your world.

what did thomas paine say: "give me liberty, or give death!!!" well shit, liberty is one thing we ain't got no more. so i quote hendrix:"if i don;t see you no more in this world, i'll meet you on the next one, and don't be late!!!"


Postby jah... » Sun Aug 29, 2004 7:48 am

that sux, how can they drop that on you last minute? Stay strong, there are definitely alternatives to beating any test. a simple question at GNC and they'll walk over to the product.

what did thomas paine say: "give me liberty, or give death!!!" well shit, liberty is one thing we ain't got no more. so i quote hendrix:"if i don;t see you no more in this world, i'll meet you on the next one, and don't be late!!!"

I hope this was just talking in frustration and nothing more. i'm sure you can get through this...

And no, this is no the land of the free. It's the land of "special interest"
I read a quote from Bush this morning and it made me respect him more than I ever thought imagineable. They asked him what he has learned in his past 4 years...his words...were something like...."I've learned how ugly washington is and how bad the special interests really are"

special interests control our country currently and this will prevent "the land of the free" from ever coming true.


Postby jah » Sun Aug 29, 2004 7:51 am

sorry, i'm not a bush or political buff but thought it was an eye opening that there is more going on behind the scenes than we can ever imagine.

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Postby Kelly7873 » Sun Aug 29, 2004 7:57 am

Since I already gave you my 2 cents I may as well give you my full nickels worth of advise.
Dr. Kelly's care for cuts:
  • Clean it Get it as clean as possible as soon as possible.Use soap and water and scrub it. When you think you're done you're halfway done, scrub it some more. You can use hydrogen peroxide or iodine the first time you clean it but don't keep using it, it eats your flesh too.
  • Get a tetanus shot if you haven't gotten one in 5 years.
  • Butterfly bandages or super glue work as good as stitches. If you get stitches get them right away, don't wait.
  • Bandages are only needed to keep the wound clean. If you use a bandages use a antibiotic ointment (neosporin). Wounds heal fastest with no bandages.
  • Watch for infection, red streaks, pus or fever.


Postby soloslave » Sun Aug 29, 2004 8:13 am

i do believe that's the first positive thing i've ver heard come out of gw's mouth...

i'm not concerned about passsing the urine testing, prety sure i can clean out mui pronto.

what pisses me off is now, i'm embarking on a new path, that of a diazepam addict. but that's okay wit big bruddah, cuz it's legal. i geet prescription. what's fucked up is i was doing fine with thc, it was less harmful to me and a helluva lot less addicitive than valium. only thing was too expensive, at $140 a 1/4 oz. the valium is only $5 for 120, 10mg tabs. 4X daily, are you shitting me?

i know they rather me buy my dangerous hard drugs legally, to support the drug industry(one of the two that hold the world by the balls, the other being petroleum). they couldn't possibly make money if everyone could grow their own medicine, vegetables, and food. marijuana, for me, would take care of a plethora of health problems:
1) my allergies/hayfever havedisappeared since i started chronic smoking 10 years ago.
2) asthma/bronchitis can be controlled with a coupla hits.
3) it SAVED ME from becoming a fullblown cocaine addict. i used it as a "gateway" BACK from the darkside (hard drugs). how is dat bad?
4) i quit drinking for 6 years now, found alcohol made me violent and ill. not so with pot, it mellowed me and satiated my appetite.
5) i am a reformed alcoholic, and i do not crave it when i smoke pot.
6) i have reflux esophogitis, and marijuana prevents me from making prilosec and nexium companies rich.

yes, they won't legalize because too much people got too much to lose.

they want us to stay dependent on them, make them rich by living the "conventional life".

free thinking is discouraged in america, this gestapo country of ours. zee SS has arrived, and youse better get your papers in order, because they checking... today? airports and transportation systems... tomorrow? i have a feeling cigarettes will be outlawed soon, along with brown/black skin.

my flag is flying inverted...


Postby nosensi » Sun Aug 29, 2004 8:32 am

solo here.
what did thomas paine say: "give me liberty, or give death!!!" well shit, liberty is one thing we ain't got no more. so i quote hendrix:"if i don;t see you no more in this world, i'll meet you on the next one, and don't be late!!!"
i mean this quite literally, my friend cubage.

if i cannot do those things in life that i wish to do, why live? it would be just merely"existing" with no purpose, no PASSION. i would merely be doing those things that OTHER PEOPLE would like me to do. my self satisfaction wouldn't matter in the least.

i believe they call it the pursuit of happiness, and it's one of the rights our great (?) nation was founded on.

the way is see it, cube, is i have several options:
1) quit da chronic, pray i am clean enough when being tested, and live the clean life.
2) quit my job, throw away my life, and be a homeless person.
3) attempt to continue my habit by beating the urinalysis.
4) look for another job that doesn't do testing
5) quit work entirely and live off of my wife's salary.

i believe we now live in a capitalistic police state.

freedom is dead, money is god.

time for me to fight fire with fire, or in this case, fight bullshit with bullshit...


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Postby Jahsurfs! » Sun Aug 29, 2004 10:17 am

well i hope you aren't implying what i'm thinking, it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

to support the drug industry(one of the two that hold the world by the balls, the other being petroleum)

Very true, especially if you include tobacco companies in the "drug" industry. I think they have more clout and long term lobbyists on capitol hill than almost all industries. the legalization of a certain drug would cost them billions a year in earnings. They were the major reason for abolishment if I'm not mistaken and have been a major obstacle for even decriminalization. Lobbyists pretty much control capitol hill and i believe that's what our president was leaning towards in that above statement, finally came clean on something. I respect that statement :lol:

stay strong and keep us posted on your situation and let us know if ya need anything.

By the way, I'd say beat this test, keep your eyes open for a mo' better job and assess your choices at that point. Could be a better road in the long run, i'm glad I made the move to work out of mi casa. i was unsure but it pays to make your own schedule, now for me to get better and surf some more. 8)
Though shall be nice to everything that moves 8)


Postby schizo » Sun Aug 29, 2004 10:21 am

:evil: fock the present stae of our government.



private agendas

death and taxes- the only thing we can count on, unless we are already comfortably numb.

here's to 80mg of valium!!!! so what if it's more addicting than heroin? it's frikkin' legal, and that's all that counts...

reality sucks...


Postby solopatriot » Sun Aug 29, 2004 11:01 am

sounds like a plan, jahsurfs. gotta beat this test to keep the resume spotless and the references solid.

i wish i kew how to start my own bizniz so i wouldn't have to answer to anyone save my customers. i resent being someones slave, which is what we are if we aren't self employed...

work out of the house? i'm seriously considering that. but to throw away25 years of federal service? difficult, but neccessary.


i'm sticking to my gunz, jahsurfs. my kids are grown and out the house. mama and i can handle. i just won't stand by idly and watch our country morph into an imperialistic capitalist ran by men with money.

men with money... MONEY IS AT THE ROOT OFALLEVIL :evil:


Am I in "Surfing and Politics" or WOT!?

Postby Guest » Sun Aug 29, 2004 1:09 pm

jah... wrote:that sux, how can they drop that on you last minute? Stay strong, there are definitely alternatives to beating any test. a simple question at GNC and they'll walk over to the product.

what did thomas paine say: "give me liberty, or give death!!!" well shit, liberty is one thing we ain't got no more. so i quote hendrix:"if i don;t see you no more in this world, i'll meet you on the next one, and don't be late!!!"

I hope this was just talking in frustration and nothing more. i'm sure you can get through this...

And no, this is no the land of the free. It's the land of "special interest"
I read a quote from Bush this morning and it made me respect him more than I ever thought imagineable. They asked him what he has learned in his past 4 years...his words...were something like...."I've learned how ugly washington is and how bad the special interests really are"

special interests control our country currently and this will prevent "the land of the free" from ever coming true.

HAHAHAHAHA! That coming from Bush!?!?!? Special interests are why we are at war in the first place (period) Haliburton(period) Nike,Starbucks,McDonalds,Oil,Walmart,etc. Bush is a tool for these corporations. The only way out is solar power.(like that'll ever happen!)Nobody can own the sun. The sun will be aroungd a hell of a lot longer than these corporations will. Bush is a tool(period) Believing him is what these corporations want from you. he's only looking out for his multibillion dollar "friends" (period)

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Postby Jahsurfs! » Sun Aug 29, 2004 6:00 pm

didn't say I believe bush at all but i was relieved to hear something honest from him, for a change. even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear, i respect it.
Though shall be nice to everything that moves 8)

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Postby HMARK » Sun Aug 29, 2004 11:44 pm

Shit - I still think Vitamin E still works..
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