Glasser Recomendations

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Glasser Recomendations

Postby spray » Sat Jan 01, 2005 3:12 am

I've been getting some major pressure dents on the deck of my board and I wanted to add another layer of volan to the deck or a deck patch. Can anybody recommend a good glasser or repair guy in Town that does quality work? Mahalo for your help.

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Postby Bud » Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:47 am

It's been a while but I know that Jay Rush has done excellent work for me and lots of others. His shop moved a few years back but pretty sure he's still in business 596-0580

bammbamm808 NLI

Postby bammbamm808 NLI » Sat Jan 01, 2005 3:58 pm

What you want is 7.5 oz. "Volan" only refers to the finishing wash of the cloth that gives it a grey-green color. There is 6 or 7.5 oz cloth in either silane or volan finish. Most people are refering to the 7.5 oz when referring to volan, however, so I assume that's what you are wanting. Also, did you let the board cure for at least 3-4 weeks before riding it? If you don't even a relatively heavy glass job will still sometimes dent.

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Postby spray » Mon Jan 03, 2005 10:15 am

Thanks for the feedback guys. Bud, I will see if I can't get in touch with with Jay Rush. Is he working out of a shop?

bammbamm808, the board is currently laminated with 6oz volan. I waited almost a month before riding it. I think the dents may be a result of the way the deck was shaped. The design requires lots of foam to be taken off the deck and rails, thus getting in to the "softer" core of the blank. I think? The shaper told me it wasn't unusual for that to happen.

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