automobiles and SPEED

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automobiles and SPEED

Postby solo » Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:59 am

i realize this is off topic. however, because of the sheer abundance of car crashes as of late, i feel this is highly relevant. at the rate the accidents are occurring, chances are everyone will know someone involved in these preventable fatalities.

i just wanted to vent a little and ask everyone how they felt about this.

does this upset you also? there you are, cruising rather safely on the freeway. you're in the right lane, and you're doing the speed limit. all of a sudden, some asshole pulls up behind you and starts to "push", as in tailgating. i can't figure that one out, since you ain't blocking the flow of traffic... very confusing.

what's worse is people unexplainably pulling these dumbass moves on the roads. DANGEROUSLY zipping in and out of traffic, nearly avoiding accidents by a HAIR. WHY? i ask you? is a coupla seconds worth the risk of ending lives?

all i wanted to do was say this to all the asshole speeders out there: SLOW DOWN. the life you save will prolly be your own. and if you're sitting there thinking it won't happen to you? then you're much stooopider than can be imagined.

there is a time and place for everything. and the public streets and highways are NOT the places for speed.

speed fucking kills, people.
ride the tiger...

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Postby Haoleboy » Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:52 am

Funny you mention it...I was just talking about how people seem to be tailgating more often. I got so pissed last week I flipped some asshole off..very unhaoleboy-like...Everyone is in such a frickin' hurry nowadays...oh well, their funeral. Just sucks when they take someone else with 'em. I need to get one of dem bumper stickers.."Slow down! This ain't the mainland!"


Postby solar » Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:00 am

...Everyone is in such a frickin' hurry nowadays...oh well, their funeral. Just sucks when they take someone else with 'em.

you got tHAT RIGHT, hb.

that's the whole point. it wouldn't be bad if these people were only endangering themselves, i'ld say go ahead. if they kill themselves, it's their life. i just don't care for the fact that these jackasses endanger innocents.

shit, maybe them damned cameras for speeding WILL help. i mean, if you don't speed, what you got to be worried about? only those fuckheads that speed would get nailed.

let's see, deter drivers from speeding by damaging their wallet? seems good to me, if it makes them stop. another thing. these very few lawbreakers seem to fuck things up for the rest of us, don't they? i for one, would love to catch speeders and beat them shitless with a two by four...


Postby solos » Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:01 pm

disregard for lack of interest...


Postby solos » Tue Apr 20, 2004 11:54 am

I get upset when some surfer races down the line doing lipbashes or noserides. I mean come on guys and ladies what's with all the speed? Whatever happened to soul archs' and 80's thrusters??? Speed=Greed.

I also hate it when little kids race around on there bikes!

Last but not least I hate it when the ahi are running.


Postby malekos » Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:03 pm

i think the instigator is instigating once more.

takes nothing seriously, life is a joke to him.

oh btw, didn't see anyone at the arena yesterday... guess was too far to drive from the westside, huh?

gee i wonder how makaha is today?

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Postby surfstarved » Tue Apr 27, 2004 10:35 am

I'm with you solo. There is a time and place for speeding. Sometimes I get so annoyed with these reckless drivers I feel it's only a matter of time before road rage rears it's ugly head. (Ohmmmmm,Ohmmmm,cool head,cool head) I feel really bad for those folks that lost their lives last week in the tunnel but am having a hard time feeling sorry for that driver. Nothing good ever comes from driving 70 to 80 mph in the tunnel. Slow down and have some courtesy and aloha on the road!

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Postby LGREANZ » Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:22 pm

Yesterday afternoon I was driving along the Koko head sicde of DH and a pedestrian was hit by an auto mobile. Dont know if speed was related but you also got be careful just walking or exercising cause you neva know whos behind the wheel and could be reckless, or even fatal.

The 5-0 had the roads blocked on the bottom near triangle park and created a major traffic situation for people trying to get to the DH lookout.

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Postby omar_P » Wed Apr 28, 2004 1:08 am

the lady who was driving the suv was reaching down for her cell phone or something similar to that.

as a matter of fact, just the other day, some young asshole in a souped up integra cuts me off right before the king st. off ramp heading east. i was cruising in the right lane with another car right next to me in the middle. then right as we're passing the king st off ramp, the asshole cuts across from the far left lane and jumps into the off ramp just missing our car and the middle barrier. i had to slam on the breaks. could have been one bad accident. fak...i hate racer punks.

to me, you ain't a racer unless you race on a track with some company like viagra sponsoring ure ass. bunch of wannabes.

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Postby surfer9joe » Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:48 am

I would say Hawaii, at least compared to the mainland, has some of the most polite, mellowest, slowest drivers anywhere. People in hawaii actually pull over for the ambulance here. Honking is practically taboo, defintely not hawaiian style. People always let you in if your merging.

On the highway, most people only go about 10 mph over the speed limit.

Of course there are a few exceptions, but overall Id say its good here.

Did Meleko post as solo and solo as meleko below? Im confused
Why Wouldn't Ya?


Postby solos » Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:27 am

i lived in georgia from 93-95.

i didn't learn highway etiquette there, but i sure can tell you the drivers there are the MOST sensible drivers i've ever seen.

NOBODY goes slow in the left lane, left lane is used for overtaking only. here in hawaii, nobody has a clue about that rule of highway etiquette. slow drivers will sit in the left lane and clog up the flow. i get so frustrated following these clueless drivers, i ask myself why can't they learn some manners?

then there are the ones hat DON"T let you in while merging. i see this all over the place. all they have to do is slow down a little, to make room for your entry. but NO, they gotta speed up so you can't get in, or gotta wait to get in behind you.

no i disagree. hawaii may not be as bad as DC or LA, but it ain't the best. i believe arizona, newmexico, and georgia have the best drivers. arizona new mex has the best roads, due to the lack of precipatation.


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Postby LGREANZ » Wed Apr 28, 2004 2:18 pm

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